Life, love and all the crap that happens when you are female, single, over 30, and still able to keep your sense of humor...
Published on August 23, 2004 By violet_moon In Sex & Romance
Well, another Monday bites the dust...oh yeah, and it bites too.

Being a high school teacher, I long ago learned that you can always tell when a major weather front or a full moon is on the way by the behavior of your students on a given day; today was no exception. Given that my students this year are mainly freshmen, this phenomena was intensified. Any of you who have ever owned (or have been in direct contact with) this wonderful, unpredictable species are well aware that any emotion or behavior normally exhibited in teenagers is multiplied x 20 during the 9th grade year. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Freshmen are just so full of emotions and hormones and other shit that they are literally "twitchy"...even when they are sitting still.

Mine today were like a pack of puppies on crack...unbelievably happy, with WAYYYYYYYYYYY too much energy for this gal to handle. Oh sure, they did their work, were eager to answer the questions (which is one thing that's great about this grade, God bless 'em...they haven't yet learned that knowing the answer is "uncool"), but they wanted to talk about how they got the answer, if the answer was right, if the person beside them had the same answer, and about a million other unrelated topics...including why their teacher looked so tired.

Well, their teacher looked tired because she couldn't sleep last night for thinking of HIM...but of course, I can't tell them that. If you are a teacher, you have:

1) no libido
2) no sex life (well, lately I DON'T, but even if I did...ah hell, you know what I mean)
3) no thoughts of romance or desire, especially about someone that belongs to SOMEONE ELSE (oh my God!)
4) no life outside the classroom...they just plug us up to a battery charger in the closet at night, and then unplug us in the morning...

I couldn't tell them that I spent last night crying over him (as usual), tossing and turning, wondering what he was doing (and she was doing), if they made love (probably on Saturday night they did...that's usually their night, according to her; she and I are casual friends...have I mentioned that?), if he thought of me when they did, if he and I will ever REALLY kiss, if he will ever leave her, if I really ever want him to...

Screw's just another Monday.

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