Life, love and all the crap that happens when you are female, single, over 30, and still able to keep your sense of humor...
or: Why I'll never call it Good Friday again...
Published on August 25, 2004 By violet_moon In Sex & Romance
Okay, so someone commented on my last blog article that maybe I should talk to him about the way I feel...they offered very sweet and wise advice, and I appreciate that, but I told them that I HAVE talked to him, but he was (and is) the king of I guess I should explain...

So here goes:

A few years ago on Good Friday, I was working late, and as usual I was wrestling with the inner demons that were my romantic feelings and desires for said man. He wound up coming in that day too. She had taken their son and gone to the lake for the weekend. He decided not to go until Saturday morning.

For some reason, I decided that that night was the night to talk to him. I don't know why, but it was. So I gathered all my courage and went to his office. I stood there like a schoolgirl with a crush instead of the confident, self-assured woman I normally am. I started to tell him how I felt, making him promise to shut up and let me talk before he said anything...but of course, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

He interrupted me and told me that he knew how I felt, he had known for a long time. I asked him if it was going to ruin our friendship and he said no, that it would MAKE US EVEN CLOSER...(what the fuck does that mean?) and that it was okay, that I "needed to say it."

Then he TURNED AWAY FROM ME, LOOKED DOWN AT THE FLOOR, and proceeded to tell the floor (who I assume didn't really care) that there was "no way" that he could ever leave her, and that nothing was ever going to happen. He never said "I don't love you" or "I don't feel that way about you" or "I can't be friends with you" or "You shouldn't feel that way about me" or "You should back off and leave me alone" or anything...that's all he said.

From that moment on, he was more attentive and sweet and loving to me...for a while. Then it seemed like things started to change...but not before they got a lot weirder...

But that night, that "Good Friday" was when it all started. It was the beginning and the end.

on Sep 05, 2004
She had taken their son


I did not realise that they had a child together. Not to dramatise the issue, but children change EVERYTHING!

I really think that you need to think of the child too, do you want to come between his parents? How would you have felt at his age if your parents were separated like that? He may well have feelings for you, but perhaps his live for his son overrides all?

You are obviously a smart and articulate woman. I have no idea what you look like, but honestly, I think you would be on top of many a guys list to date. As they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea...

Being in your 30s is still "young" these days (... I know, i'm approaching it FAST!), just wait, I promise someone who is JUST right for you will walk into your like! (... not like my life though hopefully! )
