Life, love and all the crap that happens when you are female, single, over 30, and still able to keep your sense of humor...
short but sweet
Published on August 22, 2004 By violet_moon In Welcome
Sunday afternoon...spent as it usually is--doing laundry accumulated from the week, cleaning the house that has been neglected during the week, trying to pacify a small dog that has also been neglected during the week, catching up on phone calls/email/junk mail that has accumulated all week. Not the way I want to spend this time.

If I had my way....

If I had my way, I'd be lounging in bed with the Sunday paper with him, reading little news bytes to each other, exchanging little "love bites" when the mood struck us, drinking coffee and eating bagels, taking turns checking on the kids, popping a cartoon DVD in the machine in the family room and locking the bedroom door when the "love bites" got to be too much...

I wonder if he does that with her...I doubt it. She just doesn't seem the type. What a waste of a perfectly delectable man.

on Aug 22, 2004
Hmmm, are you lonesome babe?
on Aug 22, 2004
Lonesome? A happens sometimes. Life is good, but sometimes it could be better.
on Aug 23, 2004
Welcome to JU...hope you enjoy the community, and keep blogging! Sounds like you could use some friends to vent to/with.
on Aug 23, 2004
Thank you so feels good to have a place that's fairly "anonymous," you know, to talk about a lot of this stuff....some days it's stuff, some days it's nonsense. How does the old song go? Some days are diamonds, some days are stones...